Tuesday 31 March 2015

Rambo: First Blood

From 2010:

Summer of catchup continues. 28 years late I've finally watched Rambo. Was expecting a war flick where Stalone is a one man army, completely wrong. This is a great movie. It's referenced so often you start to think the parodies are true representations of the film, not the case at all. If you're like me and have missed this one, watch it ... soon.

First Blood

Super Troopers

From 2010:

Probably would have received another half star to a star from me if it didn't make me feel any WORSE about going into work tomorrow. Definitely had me laughing...and crying...anybody hiring? ;)

Super Troopers


From 2010:

I remember when this movie came out, I was not allowed to see it. Now, 26 years later, I just finished it. Can't say I LOVED it (okay, did love Bill Murray's character) but I do believe I've fallen victim to the hype. The effects are downright laughable, but I can appreciate it for it's time. Glad I watched it, but I think I'm far too removed for this to become one of my all time fav's like it is for many others.



From 2010:

Playing catchup on these movies I should have seen nearly 20 years ago, how did I miss this one? The world needs another Shwarzenegger. Like right now. Loved it. Great ensemble cast that make up a platoon of characters of whom each is impossible to not like....okay Carl Weathers had his moments, but he's still firing his gun after his arm is shot off. Who can argue with that.



From 2010:

Indiana Jones meets Erin Brockovich does not a good movie make.


Finding Nemo

From 2010:

I'm 7 and a half years late, but just watched this flick. Sorry I waited so long, one of Pixar's finest for sure. Entertaining for young and old alike.

Finding Nemo

Welcome Home Roscoe Jones

From 2010:

A good way to kill an afternoon, glad I didn't waste an evening on it though. Kinda sorta funny in spots.

Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins

Team America: World Police

From 2010:

As crude and crass as movies come. "But they're marionettes!". I guess that makes it okay right? Definitely had it's share of laughs but I'd have a hard time recommending it to anyone.

Team America: World Police


From 2010:

A very hip and dark comedy, almost feel guilty laughing at parts, but I guess that's the idea behind a dark comedy. Not for the kiddies, but entertaining from start to finish, lots of style. Enjoyed.


White Chicks

From 2010:

I actually thought this movie was pretty funny. I wasn't expecting it to be, and that's probably why I came out of it liking it more than I thought I would. There are some decent laughs, along with a few "lols" which is pretty rare for me to literally "laugh out loud". I don't know what was funnier at times though, the intentional jokes, or the fact that we're supposed to believe people can actually mistake these guys for "white chicks".

White Chicks


From 2010:

The idea was good, just poorly executed. I don't like stopping a movie once I've started but was tempted to jump and eject this disc. Could have been so much better with oh, a fleshed out plot, likable characters and a real conclusion. Do not watch.


Bowling for Columbine

From 2010:

Michael Moore knows how to make an interesting film, let's give him that. Let's also remember that these films are not PSA's. This was not broadcast on national television, nor stuffed for free into mailboxes around the country.. This, along with Fahrenheit 9/11, Sicko and more are making Mr. Moore very very rich. Just because it's a documentary doesn't make it true. Okay, phew, with all that, an entertaining, well put together (albeit one sided) documentary.

Bowling for Columbine

National Lampoon's Pucked

From 2010:

I only give this movie a full star versus half a star because Jon Bon Jovi actually pulls of a decent acting performance. The plot and story arch leave so much to be desired. It's incredibly weak, and for a movie about hockey, they only play one game and there's nothing on the line when they do. I'd believe it if they misspelled the movie and this should be called "Puked".

National Lampoon's Pucked

Hot Fuzz

From 2010:

Instant classic. I'm 3 years late to the party, but better late than never. Better than Shaun of the Dead? Yes! Loved this movie. Just finished and despite getting up before 5am, (it's now 11:30pm) I kinda wanna watch it again.

Hot Fuzz

Shaun of the Dead

From 2010:

Fact. Zombies are better suited for comedy than horror. "Shaun of the Dead" = win. "I Am Legend" = fail. I often judge a movies comedic value by my willingness/desire to watch it again. I will definitely watch this again. Oh and dogs can't look up.

Shaun of the Dead

Get Him to the Greek

From 2010:

Not entirely sure Jonah Hill can carry a film on his own at this point. Some funny moments for sure, but if you've ever seen an episode of VH1's "Behind the Music" you already know the plot. Some lol's to be had for sure, but not one I'll want to watch over and over.

Get Him to the Greek

No Country for Old Men

From 2010:

I enjoyed this movie, and had I not waited a few days before rating it I probably would have given it 3 stars, but it's stuck with me for the last few days and I keep thinking about it. The sure sign of a good flick.

No Country for Old Men

My Cousin Vinny

From 2010:

Another classic that fell through the cracks. Very funny and very entertaining. The plausability of the entire premise is highly questionable, but isn't that why we watch movies in the first place?

My Cousin Vinny

O Brother Where Art Thou?

From 2010:

A fun adventure I was glad to take in. I really don't see how anyone could NOT like this movie. It made me smile, a lot.

O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Observe and Report

From 2010:

Observe and Report to your friends not to watch this movie. Better than Paul Blart? Intellectually yes, comedically no. And for the record I didn't like that movie either.

Observe and Report

Funny People

From 2010:

The people in this movie are infact very funny, unfortunately the movie in general is not.

 Funny People


Written in 2010:

A classic that I somehow missed all these years. One that I can and will watch over and over again.


Youth in Revolt

Written in 2010:

This movie was made for Michael Cera, not the vice versa. Nobody else could have pulled off this role. Entertaining but lacking the LOLs I was expecting.

Youth in Revolt

Shutter Island

Written in 2010:

Had it pegged 30 minutes in, had to ride it out the rest of the way...decent, but far from excellent. I can think of a handful of comparable movies that did "this" much better.

Shutter Island


Written in 2010:

Was expecting something totally different, this movie caught me completely off guard and pleasently surprised.


Michael Jackson: This Is It

Written in 2010:

If you're an MJ fan in any capacity and you want more Michael, well, this is it :). Toe tapping may induce carpol tunnel (sp?) though ;)

Michael Jackson's This Is It

Monday 30 March 2015


Written in  2010:

A visual feast, even in non 3D capacity makes the movie worth watching.  The story telling is a little preachy however.



Written in 2010:

Decent story (although elements of the story had me wondering how they couldn't come up with anything better) but effects that just make you smile. At 1:38 it just doesn't stop and the entire movie flies!



First post!  You may be familiar with my other work entitled "Pile of Shame" where I write very short reviews for video games I've finished, well, this is kind of like that.  Back in the heyday of Facebook apps I started writing short movie reviews and publishing them on Flixster, well, someone bought them out, and they are no longer the site/app they used to be.  I haven't used it in years, but I'm going to try to bring them all over here with some digging.  I'll also be adding new reviews.  No, I don't expect anyone to read these, but I like the archive and going back myself.  Who's making popcorn?