Friday 15 July 2016

Finding Dory

I loved Finding Nemo, and while this one is not quite as endearing as the original, I must say it was a fine film and much better than many of Pixar's latest attempts.  I took my two older sons to the theatre, AJ for the first time and they really liked it as well.  Great story, a loveable cast and a lot of charm.  Recommend.


I remember watching a trailer for this when I was really into "The Walking Dead" and thinking "WOW, this looks awesome!" ... well, now I'm sick of The Walking Dead, and zombies in general, so I'm not sure why I decided to watch this one.  Part of it was the short run time.  Well, this movie sucks.  I love Arnold, but man, what a slow ass movie that tries really hard to be emotional, but I didn't give a rip about the zombie gal and I don't think many others will either.  Pass.

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Banksy Does New York

This is the second Banksy movie I've watched, and while I admire Banksy's work, I loathe the people who adore him.  I'd be much more interested in watching a documentary about the man himself (duh) than those who follow him.  The concept of a unique project every day in New York is awesome but there's zero focus on its execution.  Pass.

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Grown Ups 2

I quite enjoyed the first Grown Ups movie.  This one has been on my Netflix list for a while now, so while I did enjoy the original, I was in no rush to watch the sequel.  Today I gave it a shot and was a bit let down.  It's like this movie was written in an afternoon, it's really bad.  There are a few laughs, but how can there not be with this cast.  Even if you liked the first, I say pass.

Monday 11 July 2016

Labour Day

When an escaped con, convicted of and guilty of murder makes you feel inadequate as a man, you know you must watching a film written by a woman.  Women will love this movie, guys will not.  I only stumbled upon this as I was looking for movies featuring JK Simmons, as I enjoyed him so much in "Whiplash".  My wife and I watched it, she loved it, I was entertained despite it feeling a little too long.  This is a gushy love story, and to my dismay, good ol' JK was only in the movie for all of 2 minutes.  Boo.  For date night, I'd say it's worthwhile, otherwise, pass.

Saturday 9 July 2016


And you thought your 7th grade teacher was mean.  Whiplash is a fantastic film, considered a "Thriller" I'd consider it more dramatic in theme.  The movie is especially enjoyable if you think participation trophies and games played with no score kept is ridiculous in concept.  I don't know what else to say.  It's great.  Recommend.

Godzilla (2014)

Watched  this between night shifts on my iPad, which is not optimal conditions for a big action monster movie, and that may have something to do with my level of enjoyment.  I did some research and found I was not alone in the fact that this movie was way too dark.  I couldn't see anything.  So that big monster destroying the city?  Didn't see much of it.  It's less about Godzilla and more about MUTO's, which is an acronym for something, but really, does it matter?  Bryan Cranston was good, but he gets little screen time.  Can't really recommend this one.  Pass.

Monday 4 July 2016


Christopher Nolan, how I want to love thee.  Why must your movies be so confusing?  I was cruising along on this one thinking I had it all under wraps, then the whole black hole sequence and I'm googling excessively to understand it all.  The premise of the film is great and for the most part, executed very well.  I take comfort in knowing I'm not the only one who found the film confusing, a quick google search will back me up.  Not a bad way to spend an afternoon between night shifts, but I can't honestly recommend it.  Pass.


Sandler and Barrymore team up for potentially their weakest of the 3 films they've done together, but that doesn't mean it's terrible.  You get what you expect out of this Happy Madison flick along with a few extra feel good moments.  Dare I say this movie is family friendly?  Depends on how old your kids are.  I had more than  a few LOL's.  Recommend.

Friday 1 July 2016

Heaven is for Real

"Based" on a true story, and from the brief research I did, it appears the film is accurate of a young child's claim to have visited heaven.  It's slow to start, and I didn't agree with its message about salvation and how one gets to Heaven.  The movie puts a lot of emphasis about the financial trouble the family is going through with no resolve, it makes me wonder if the story is fabricated for gains.  Pass.

The Wolf of Wall Street

I went into this movie expecting a heavy drama with confusing plot lines, man was I wrong.  This movie is labeled a "comedy" and while it definitely had some humor, it's more of a real life horror story.  Money is the root of all evil, this movie confirms that.  As an educatory or even cautionary tale, I'd recommend it.  For a comedy?  Pass.