Monday 19 December 2016

10 Cloverfield Lane

I enjoyed the first Cloverfield, although a review never made it to the blog, I must have been during my hiatus.  Regardless, when I saw the trailer for this movie I was intrigued, and I preferred the traditional "movie" direction this one was going.  I enjoyed this one much more than "Cloverfield", I found the cast and narrative much more compelling.  John Goodman steals the show, but the supporting cast is no slouch either ... in fact now that I think about it, there are only 3 actors in the whole thing.  Cool!  Recommend.

Friday 16 December 2016

Cool Runnings

I have so many movies on my Netflix list and never feel like watching any of them.  So I'm starting to watch them at random by swiping on my iPad and seeing what comes to a stop under my finger. Well, Cool Running's won this showcase showdown.  It's fine, dated, but fine.  I can see why it was popular back in 1993, I was 17 at the time and remember hearing how "hilarious" it is, I wouldn't call it hilarious, but it has it's moments.  Perhaps most disappointing is how far it strays from the true story. The fact that Jamaica entered into the bobsled competition is about the only fact that's "true".  I'm going to have to say pass on this one.

Sunday 11 December 2016


So many Christmas movies try to become classic, but eventually fall short.  This is one of the few "newer" Christmas movies that stands the test of time.  Funny year after year with so many quotable lines.  It's a true classic that will be watched for years to come.  I saw this in the theater when it came out and can't believe it's 13 years old already!  Absolutely recommend.

Friday 9 December 2016

Seinfeld: Season 5

This show's great.  Reviewing these season's are pointless.  Season 5 was another good one, but I do feel like the show is falling off a little bit?  I could be just drunk on Seinfeld though. Memorable episodes include "The Puffy Shirt", "The Non-Fat Yogurt", my personal fav. "The Cigar Store Indian", "The Hampton's" (shrinkage episode) and "The Opposite" (George does everything the opposite of how he feels and his life is exponentially better).  Recommend. Duh.