Thursday 23 November 2017

Stranger Things 2

The sophomore slump, it's a real thing and thankfully it didn't catch Stranger Things.  There were unreasonable expectations for this show, how could it live up to the amazing first season, especially as the kids approach puberty and suddenly aren't as cute anymore?  Well it holds up very well, and the awkward age the kids are going through is embraced as the show takes place almost a year after the original.  This show is fantastic, it hits on multiple nostalgia levels, and is just so spot on with it's references and soundtrack.  It's supposed to be scary, but I just don't get the scares, that's not saying it's bad, it's just....fascinating.  There's a lot more CG in season 2 which I found a little off putting, but that aside it's every bit as good as it's predecessor.  Every episode is good, even "that one" that everyone hates (episode 7) I found had it's merits.  The acting for Wills character is quite unbelievable, that kid has a future in the biz. Highest recommend.

Saturday 18 November 2017

The Confession Tapes

This is not the sequel to "Making a Murderer" despite Netflix wanting you to think it is.  This is a miniseries of 8 different "confessions" people made to murders they may not have committed.  There's evidence that each of these cases could have gone either way, but only a few did I think the accused were innocent.  The series starts really strong with an opening 2 parter and ends with a quality case as well, but there a few real duds in the middle.  I like that I could watch these at my leisure and they were all mostly independent from each other making it something you don't need to binge in any matter.  Recommend.  

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Daddy's Home

Father and son movie night, I expected this to be akin to Daddy Day Care, but it's not.  Will Farell plays Will Farell and Mark Wahlburg also plays himself.  Okay, not literally, but they play the characters they so often play.  Farell plays step dad trying to prove himself to his step kids who's real dad is much cooler.  It was okay.  There were a few parts that had me nervous watching with my 9 year old, but he seemed to like it.  Overall I can't really recommend.  Pass.

Saturday 4 November 2017

Lego Ninjago The Movie

I knew nothing about Ninjago going in, well, other than "Ninja Lego", so perhaps lack of hype lead to my enjoyment of this film.  It's great.  I took my son Cole to the movies on his birthday and it was a gift to myself.  The film explores some deeper family issues, and while the main villain Lord Garmadon is just a re-skinned Lego Batman (different voice), he's equally hilarious.  Jackie Chan plays a great role and has a killer line near the end of the movie, and then there's the Jerry Maguire moment that I still think about on occasion ... ahhh ... what a film.  Having coming off Lego Batman not that long ago, I think I liked this better.  Surprisingly, recommend.

Friday 3 November 2017

Cape Fear

I've been trying to find some more "classic" movies on Netflix but it's proving to be difficult as their selection isn't as good as it should be.  I did find Cape Fear, a movie often referenced, but one I'd never seen.  This is Robert DeNiro in or near his prime and it's really a shame how far he's fallen.  He's still a good actor, but mostly plays in comedy's now, perhaps they're just easier cash grabs.

Anyways, Cape Fear, what a strange movie.  DeNiro gives a great performance of a man released from prison after 13 years for a crime he "may" have gotten a lesser charge for had his attorney provided all the evidence.  The attorney did not given the horrific nature of the crime, AND NOW HE MUST PAY.  You never really feel sorry for DeNiro's character, he's creepy, sadistic, but that's what makes his performance so memorable. 

I don't know if this holds up in 2017, but I enjoyed it despite taking it only semi-seriously.  Recommend.

Thursday 2 November 2017


Another Netflix Original movie I "took a chance" on, this one is another Stephen King adaptation.  I'll admit I was hooked throughout, the star of the film, Thomas Jane does a remarkable job, the slow pacing of the film is carried by his character.  It's a dark a dramatic tale of a man who kills his wife to keep his farm and his son, but he is haunted afterwards.  Are the ghosts in his mind, or are they real?  I've said before I like Stephen King and that he usually has definitive endings to his stories, sometimes they're unsatisfactory, and unfortunately this one doesn't pay off in the end...that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the ride, and after looking up how the story ends in the novella, I'm satisfied.  Recommend.