Thursday 31 January 2019

The Jim Gaffigan Show (Season 1 + 2)

It's a shame there are only 2 seasons because the Jim Gaffigan show was the best celebration of comedy since Seinfeld.  No, it doesn't have the same quirk that make Seinfeld unique, but the guest appearances of famous comedians was a lot of fun, heck, Jerry even shows up for an episode.  Raising 5 kids in a New York city apartment, huh, I swear he'd have a lot more money than this, but maybe I'm underestimating the price of New York apartments.  Regardless, that premise makes for an entertaining show, and if you're worried about it being about kids, they're barely in it.  Recommend.

Jim Gaffigan: Noble Ape

Nothing will ever pass “Beyond the Pale” when it comes to Gaffigan specials, but I’ve given up hoping for better material each and every special and have come to appreciate the humor each time around.  That being said Noble Ape has a few lol moments and lots of grinning.  It’s worth your time.

Monday 7 January 2019

Wreck it Ralph 2

Disney movies are famous for becoming classics, they don't always hit, but there's no denying many of  them have staying power.  The original Wreck it Ralph focused on iconic video game characters which made the movie relatable to young and old audiences alike.  This movie focuses less on video game characters and more on the internet, and while it seemed very "now" today, I wonder what it's lasting power will be.  Will these things still be relevant in a few years?  Facebook?  Ebay?  I guess they did bank on some mega sites and not the likes of "Tik Tok".  Regardless of all that it has a heartwarming story and even my kids who are 5 and really have no concept of the internet enjoyed it.  I loved it.  Recommend.

Friday 4 January 2019

Ellen Degeneres: Relatable

Admittedly I'm not a huge "Ellen" fan, but the odd time I do tune in I find her to be quite humorous and like-able, the same could be said about this stand up special.  She covers pretty much the entirety of her career, her coming out, and dealing with fame and her strive to stay "relatable" even though she's so rich and famous.  It's a decent way to spend an hour.  Recommend.