Sunday 1 May 2016

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

So, I said a couple reviews ago that I was tired of Super Hero reviews right?  Now I can't stop watching them.  I think now I'm all caught up on the Marvel movies on Netflix however.

Okay, so, the Winter Soldier.  Wow, talk about inside baseball.  These Marvel movies are getting deep.  It's no longer about beating the bad guy, but that's fine with me.  The Winter Soldier actually has very little to do with Bucky (The Winter Soldier) and more of an internal conflict at S.H.I.E.L.D. The action sequences are fantastic, and who doesn't like Steve Rogers (Captain America).  He's fantastic, but in my opinion, Black Widow steals the show here (hence she gets the poster).  The action sequences are great, the story is complex (I don't think many 7 year old's will have a clue when they go to see Cap fight) and the film is captivating from the very beginning.  Recommend.

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