Saturday 27 August 2016

Seinfeld: Season 2

The second season of Seinfeld has over twice the amount of episodes of the first season, and after watching the "How it all Began" documentary, it was interesting to see that Larry David and Jerry thought this would also be the series end.   This is why Jerry and Elaine end the season as a couple as they were feeling heat to put the two together.  Regardless, this season still has this show trying to find it's groove, but man there are some great episodes here.  As with season 1, how can you not recommend.

Favorite Episodes:

2.2 The Pony Remark: Jerry: "I hate anyone who ever had a pony growing up".  Great Aunt: (in thick accent) "I HAD PONY!"

2.4 The Phone Message:  George leaves an embarrassing message on his girlfriends machine and has to get the machines tape.  George: "It's a machine! The little light is blinking right now, 'Come and listen to the idiot! Hey everybody, the idiot's on!"

2.6 The Statue:  Going through a box of old items Jerry inherited, Kramer finds a statue, turns out it's identical to the one George broke when he was a boy, Jerry promises it to George who is ecstatic he can finally redeem himself to his parents.  Jerry's college student maid steals it.   George: "When I was ten years old, my parents had this very same statue on the mantle of our apartment. Exactly, and, one day, I grabbed it, and I was using it as a microphone. I was singing, "MacArthur Park", and I got to the part about, "I'll never have that recipe again," and it slipped out of my hand and it broke. My parents looked at me like I smashed the Ten Commandments. To this day, they bring it up. It was the single most damaging experience in my life, aside from seeing my father naked."

2.11 The Chinese Restaurant:  The entire episode takes place as Jerry, George and Elaine wait for a table in a Chinese restaurant.  Elaine:"It's not fair that people are seated first-come, first-serve. It should be based on who's hungriest. I feel like just walking over there and taking some food off somebody's plate.  Jerry: "I'll tell you what, there's fifty bucks in it for you if you do it."

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