Wednesday 26 July 2017

Star Wars: Rogue One

Rogue one, I believe, is a Star Wars movie for Star Wars fans.  As someone who’s seen all of the films, but wouldn’t call themselves a fan as far as Star Wars fans go, this was an “alright” movie.  I can see someone with vast knowledge of the original trilogy, or even just the first movie (IV) really enjoying this one, but me, with limited knowledge of the universe, found myself somewhat confused trying to place characters and times.  One of the primary villains (the emperor?) is completely CGI, but I found it so off-putting, I couldn’t appreciate what they were trying to do with him. There were a few really great sequences and I chuckled more than I have at any previous Star Wars film, the robot protagonist K-2SO really saved this film, he’s the best character by far.  High recommend for Star Wars buffs, otherwise, you’ll probably okay missing this one.

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