Tuesday 10 October 2017

Gerald's Game

Netflix original films are something I had a hard time wrapping my head around.  Are they "real" movies?  After watching a few of them I gotta say, they're better than a lot of crap that make it to the big screen.  Gerald's game is an adaptation of a Stephen King short, and while I admit I'm a bit of a King fan (heck, I've even read more than a few of his books) it had no bearing on my approval of this movie.  I find King at his best when he's not writing about monsters and spooky things, but trials grounded in reality.  I'd take Delores Claiborne and Shawshank Redemption over Pet Cemetary any day of the week. Gerald's Game stays grounded throughout, actually, well, maybe, okay, let's just say that for sake of spoiling anything...and delivers an ending that wraps things up nicely.  There will be no Gerald's Game 2.  If you liked 127 Hours, I think you'll find something to like here.  Recommend.

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