Tuesday 24 January 2017

The OA

Another Netflix original series I'd heard quite a bit of buzz about recently.  I was spoiled somewhat about the end which soured me a bit, but it didn't stop me from burning through this 8 episode series in a matter of a couple days.  Marathoning a TV show just doesn't happen in my life, this is as close as it gets.  

This show is weird, captivating, strange, thrilling, odd and exciting.  It's difficult to describe.  A blind girl returns to her home town after 7 years with her sight restored.  Sounds neat right?  Well that's only 1/100th of what's going on here.  This show deals much more with the afterlife, angels, and portals to other dimensions.  The subject matter is captivating, and it [mostly] succeeds in its ambitions.  The show is from the same creators of a movie I really enjoyed called "Another Earth", and while I feel that movie succeeded more in what it was trying to say, this show (which features the same lead actress) is very similar in tone.  It's a tough recommend giving how strange it is, but I can't stop think thinking about it, so with that credit alone, I'd have say ... recommend.

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