Sunday 19 February 2017

The Big Short

Well, I think it's time for a dumb comedy or a stupid action film as these Oscar Nom's are starting to take the "fun" out of movie watching.  The Big Short is an interesting film, labelled a comedy, I found very few laughs outside of the celebrity cameo's to explain the economic housing crisis of the mid to late 2000's.  The film while very informative, was just simply subject matter I'm not that interested in, which, as the film points out, proves I'm part of the "the problem".  Numbers numbers numbers, I didn't understand all of it, but enough to see what happened during the 2008 economic crisis.  Remember "The Wolf of Wallstreet"?  Well take all the maniacal behaviour out of that film and focus completely on the stocks, that's what you're left with with The Big Short.  If you're a victim of the crisis, a numbers guy, an investor, heck, even a realtor, you'll probably really like this film.  If you're a sheep like me when it comes to finances, you're going to feel really bad after watching. For education?  Recommend.  For entertainment?  Pass.

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