Saturday 23 January 2016

Making a Murderer

Perhaps a victim of hype, I went into this series with unimaginable anticipation, the disappointment started from episode 1 where I found myself not particularly rooting for our central character.   Stereotypes aside, this was still considered a grand injustice, and so, my wife and I stuck with it for 10 episodes.  The series definitely picks up, but is far from “edge of your seat” stuff, this is more … lean back and roll your eyes type stuff.  Without spoiling things, there does appear some poor police work and delinquency here, especially when it comes to Brendan Dassey, Steven’s apparent accomplice.  Lots of conspiracy theories have arisen, and that I find even more entertaining than the series itself.  If you watch, remember this, Netflix is in the business of providing compelling entertainment, not public service.   I’m not saying they’re wrong, just consider your source.  I’m not entirely convinced he’s not guilty, but on a jury would never be able to convict him or Brendan.  Recommend.

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