Sunday 31 January 2016

The Revenant

A rare theatrical release, I was given the choice to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens or The Revenant and I chose The Revenant, must be age.  Can I blame age for the fact that I also chose a bottle of water and raisins for snack?  Okay, they were chocolate covered raisins, but still … ... Anyway, so, The Revenant, a survival/revenge movie.  This was a good movie with some very difficult scenes to watch. the actual bear attack was brutal, but there's another scene that I felt was worse, it had me half covering my eyes, I won't spoil that.  This movie's been nominated for a number of awards, and while I appreciate the movie for its entertainment value, it didn’t’ make me “feel” anything.  Movies that leave me thinking for days are the ones I ultimately view as “the best”, I’ll be surprised if this takes home best picture.  I think Tom Hardy could win best supporting actor, he was great, but I think Leo will get snubbed again this year unless there's a "best grunting" category now.  I’d still recommend The Revenant as it’s much better than most of the repetitive crap out there, it’s just not AAA.   

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