Sunday 24 January 2016

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

My movie selection is all over the place.  I was priding myself on my selection of Oscar Nom’s and then I decided to watch this.  I was called a TMNT “fan” recently, well, I’m not so much a fan, as I am amused.  To be fanatical about something, I might say, own a t-shirt, collect figures, have a poster, that type of behavior.  I was a little too old for the Turtles in their peak, but I watched a lot of the animated series in the late 80’s and early 90’s as the kids my mom babysat loved them.  Have to say I grew to appreciate them.  I liked the 1990 movie, but failed to see any of the sequels (see, not a fan) and when this showed up on Netflix, after a 12 hour work day, I was ready for some mindless entertainment.  Let’s just say I didn’t hate it.  I didn’t love it, I found the Turtles to look a little creepy, Splinter was just gross, but the film was entertaining in bursts.  It took a little too long for the action to get started, but all in all, I’d have to say it was worth my time (100 minutes).  Do I recommend it?  Not unless there’s some nostalgia there.  I will say this was probably the most I’ve enjoyed of a Will Arnett role since Arrested Development, even if I did think his crush on Megan Fox was bordering inappropriate given their age, but that just might be the dad in me speaking.  Cowabunga!

I prefer the 90's Turtles

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