Sunday 26 April 2015

Bloodline: Season 1

Seems like Netflix Originals are all I watch these days, but if the quality keeps up, there's no reason to stop.  Quick Note: I've loved Kyle Chandler since Friday Night Lights.  His rage on the show always got me fired up but he never killed anyone of his players, so it's nice to see he does so on Bloodline.  Yes, SPOILER, but it's given away in the first episode, so relax.  I really enjoyed this show, great acting and great locale.  I told a friend "It feels like I'm on vacation whenever I watch this show". 

If you've ever considered your family "dysfunctional", you'll find something you can relate to in Bloodline.  Recommend.

Friday 3 April 2015

Seeking a Friend for the End of the World

I rarely watch movies anymore, so when the opportunity arose, why would I pick this one?  I still  don't know...but I liked it.  This is not "Armageddon" or "The Day After Tomorrow", it's about life and what you'd do if you had only a few days left to live it.  It's easy to sympathize with Dodge (Steve Carell) and relate to his character.  His character and performance is great, his "friend" left a bit to be desired, but the odd combination here worked.  A charming little movie that had me wondering how it would end right ... until ... the end.  Recommend.


House of Cards: Season 3

House of Cards, the series that legitimized Netflix original series. Now in it's third season, the show  has a lot to live up to.  I really enjoyed the third season, however the general consensus online is that it's inferior to the previous two.  Isn't the title of the show implying that this is all going to come crashing down?  Frank Underwood cannot keep climbing, what would be next?  Captain of the Universe?  Anyways, we see Franks demise start to come to fruition here, and I'm exciting to see what happens it all collapses.  Recommend.


And this is where it ended....

All the movies below are old archived reviews of movies I saw from roughly 2010-2012.  I'm not sure why I stopped, I believe it was a fact of Flixster changing, and me running out of time.  But alas, here I go again.  I watch far fewer movies, so I should be able to keep this up.


Life of Pi

From what I understand the book delves much deeper into the philosophy of the story than the movie does, I viewed this as simply a story of survival, an entertaining one at that. The cinematography is beautiful and the story I found entertaining throughout. If you're looking for a story about God read the book. If you want to be entertained watch the film. I would have chosen this over "Argo" for best picture personally. Recommended.
Life of Pi

Wreck it Ralph

While not quite up to Pixar quality, Disney's other animated studio does a fine job on its own with Wreck it Ralph. A film that will most likely entertain parents more than the kids they watch it with. A little long in the middle, but definitely a film the whole family can enjoy ... especially 30 something males. Recommended.

Wreck-it Ralph


All the political views aside, this was an entertaining film of a hostage rescue. Yes, much of the truth stretched for a more thrilling "story", however this is not a documentary or a news account. A well put together piece of "entertainment" that I'd recommend as long as you can put your Tim Hortons loving, maple leaf waving ego aside.


Life with Murder

Watched solely due to it's local impact, this is a nicely put together documentary by CTV. A film about a family sticking together following the murder of one of their own, by one of their own. It's tough to watch and wonder if you'd be able to forgive like the Jenkins parents have. Available on Netflix Canada and recommended to anyone in the Chatham-Kent area.

Life with Murder

It's Kind of a Funny Story

Actually it's not. Some memorable performances can't carry an entire film. Pass.

It's Kind of a Funny Story


Bond has changed a lot over the decades and while purists may not like what they see here, it doesn't stop it from being a great action flick. Recommeded.


Trouble with the Curve

Caution: This is a chick flick marketed to guys. It's okay, but not what you would expect from Eastwood. Recommend on Netflix or equivalent , but I regret paying for it (rental).

Trouble with the Curve


I like Spurlock docs quite a bit, but this one really disappoints. Pass.


Craigslist Joe

I liked the premise of this movie but it failed in its execution. I can't help but believe the encounters Joe made in this movie wouldn't have been so "inspiring" had he not been filming a documentary. My experience with Craigslist or Canadian equivalent Kijiji have been the polar opposite of what this movie portrays. Pass.

Craigslist Joe

Jingle All The Way

I hated this movie when I saw it 15 years ago in the theater, now I laugh at it for all the wrong reasons.

Jingle All the Way

A Christmas Story 2

Expected much worse but still can't recommend this cash in on the original.

A Christmas Story 2

The Amazing Spider-Man

Too soon for a reboot? Absolutely. A good superhero flick regardless? Yup. I usually find the origin stories of these Marvel movies to be the best of the impending trilogy, however having just seem the Toby Maguire film in what feels like yesterday, there was a sense of "seen this" going on for the first 2/3rds of the film. A little heavy on teen romance, but overall an enjoyable experience if only 5-10 years too soon. Still recommended.

The Amazing Spider-Man

The (new) Karate Kid

It's a little slow to start, and doesn't have the charm of the original, but this is a decent remake the whole family can watch. It makes winks and nods to the original, but is different enough that even if you saw the first one a dozen or more times (like me) it's an enjoyable ride. The movie is simply too long, and some plot elements could have easily caught the cutting room floor, but I'd recommend this one to anyone with Netflix and a couple hours to kill.

The Karate Kid


I'm way too old for this movie. Targeted at adults old enough to stay up and watch SNL, but full of potty-humour only a highschool boy could find hilarious. Not Recommended. Crude and Stupid.


American Psycho

I've decided Bale could have easily played the Joker in The Dark Knight series. He's that good. Amazing performance to a complex film.

American Psycho

Jeff Who Lives at Home

Not a bad way to spend a rainy afternoon, but I do have what some would consider an "odd taste" in quirky indie comedies. I'd be hard pressed to recommend this to anyone I know personally, but I liked it.

Jeff Who Lives at Home


I couldn't help but think "Call of Duty: Black Ops" the whole time I watched this movie ... which doesn't say a whole lot for the plot, it's like a giant video game, but a fun one. Some ridiculous over the top action sequences mixed in with a plot that keeps you guessing. It's runtime is perfect clocking in just over 90 minutes, and the action is strong throughout. Available on Netflix Canada and recommended.


The Other Guys

Ferrell and Wahlberg team up in this "comedy" about two unlikely cops who get a big break to become heroes. The laughs are present although quite spread out, the action is over the top, and the message is preachy. I don't think this film really knows what it is. Is it a comedy? Is it an over the top action movie? Is it a message about capitalism? (Check please, I've heard this story 100 times in the last 10 years.) Pick one. Can't recommend this one.

The Other Guys

The Social Network

Note: This movie is not a documentary. With that said, this is a very fresh look at the social network empire, some parts truth, some parts ... not so true. Extremely well put together and very entertaining given the source material. Recommended.

The Social Network

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Perhaps I am another victim of hype, I'd heard this movie was "really good" well, it wasn't. It was an okay action drama, perhaps a little too heavy on the drama. I'm sorry, I just couldn't connect with a computer generated monkey. Tries so hard to tug on your emotions it's almost comical. I can't say I recommend this, but I can also say I've seen much worse. Passable.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Punch Drunk Love

A movie on my "to see" list for 10 years now. Finally watched it. Shouldn't have. 10 years of disappointment in the making. Minus one scene involving a crow bar, I would have given this zero stars. I like quirky movies, indies, dark comedies, but to me, this one fails on multiple levels.

Punch-Drunk Love

Another Earth

Another Earth is the least Sci-fi Sci-fi movie you'll ever see. This dramatic film tells the tale of another planet which mirrors ours identically, right down to its cities and those residing in them. There's another NY, LA, another Chatham. Another George Bush Sr. and Jr, another Kony, another Jeff Hopman. That premise however is downplayed to an (over) dramatic story of a young girl and middle aged man both dealing with a great deal of grief. It's a redemption story of sorts. The movie moves at a very slow dramatic pace and had it not had the Sci-fi element to it, it may have been too melancholy for the average person to enjoy. I enjoyed it. This is not Independence Day. Young males be warned. I can recommend it on the fact that it's on Netflix Canada. 90 minutes well spent.

Another Earth

Take Shelter

I can't remember what possessed me to turn this movie on but I'm glad I did. A chilling thriller that keeps you guessing. I loved the narrative and the acting is at the top of its class for a relatively unknown cast. Recommended and available on Netflix Canada.

Take Shelter

Puss in Boots

Started this with my 3 year old and finished it alone. I don't know if that makes it a "good" kids film, but I found a lot to like. Antonio outshines the rest of the cast by a loooong shot however. Recommended and available on Netflix Canada.

Puss in Boots

The Avengers

I'm keeping it simple. This movie is everything you'd want in an over the top superhero movie. See it.

Marvel's The Avengers

Galaxy Quest

I'm not a Trekkie nor a Star Wars buff, but I am a fan of Sci-Fi and I think I understand the culture. This movie pokes fun of these "nerds" for lack of a better term who attend these types of conventions but ultimately redeems them with a heartfelt story. Available on Netflix Canada and recommended if you've seen more than a handful of Sci-Fi flicks.

Galaxy Quest

The Dark Knight Rises

Not much I can say about this movie that hasn't been said, a fabulous ending to an incredible trilogy. If they don't continue with the Robin story, the next Batman reboot will have to go slapstick, a serious Batman won't come along again for a long time.

The Dark Knight Rises

Grown Ups

I'm way behind, playing catchup here not for your viewing pleasure but for my own archiving. Heard horrible things about this movie. I liked it. Maybe because I'm relatively new to fatherhood, but watching Sandler and crew in college with Billy Madison and now this movie, it's like I'm growing up along side. A lot of stupid humor, dumb sight gags, but what can I say, I liked it. Quite a bit. Available on Netflix Canada.
Grown Ups

Inside Man

This came recommended to me by my nephew, I'm not much of a Denzel fan, but thought I should heed his recommendation. This movie suffers another case of "trying to do too much" and doesn't offer enough backstory to make you care. This ain't no "Dog Day Afternoon" and while I did enjoy the heist, there were too many stories trying to be told here (Nazi's, coverups, scandal, weddings blah blah blah). Sometimes less is more. Pass.

Inside Man

Batman Begins

Watched this again to prep for the Dark Night Rises and both Sarah and I looked at each other about 45 minutes in and said "I don't remember any of this!". We had both seen this in the theatre many years ago but ultimately forgot the plot other than "guy becomes batman" and "scarecrow". Well what an awesome movie this is. High on plot, effects and most importantly character. Highly recommend even if you've already seen it once. And a must re-watch before "TDKR".

Batman Begins

The Fast and the Furious (1)

I know I'm late to watch this (11 years to be exact) but I found this on Netflix and thought I should watch it as it seemed to launch a cultural revolution at the time. WHAT WAS ALL THE FUSS ABOUT?!?! This movie is weak on all sorts, acting, plot, character. The sound was impressive as was the original race sequence, but the rest was a serious "meh-fest". Should have stuck to street racing instead of changing lanes and turning into something else. Pass.

The Fast and the Furious

Ip Man 2: Legend of the Grand Master

I can see why this chapter of Ip Mans life was held for the sequel. Riding on the success of the first film, this movie doesn't have the same punch (ha ha) of the first one. Still entertaining though and some incredible fight scenes. Recommended to fans of the first and available on Netflix Streaming Canada.

Ip Man 2: Legend of the Grandmaster

The Grey

Watch the trailer, it's better than the movie. Disappointing. A lot of ice and snow doesn't make for much to look at, the dialog is not engaging, and the characters are forgettable. For a better experience, I'd recommend "Frozen". Similar in plot, but better executed. Pass.

The Grey


The first half hour I was all like "Whoa, this is like "LOST" the movie" ... well that doesn't last very long, but it sets up a, for lack of a better term, "cool" universe. I really liked this movie, it's been on my "want to see" list a long time and didn't disappoint. Considered a sequel to the 1987 classic, I'd consider it more a parallel movie. Some winks and nods to the original, and if I remember correctly uses the same soundtrack. Recommended to guys who like guy movies. Available on Netflix Streaming Canada.


Vince Vaughn's Wild West Comedy Show: 30 Days & 30 Nights - Hollywood to the Heartland

This documentary takes you behind the stage and on the tour of the 30 Day and 30 Night road show. It's not funny. You only get to see bits and pieces of the comics acts, and while one or two of them are pretty good, the rest are unlikely to crack a smile. The whole thing seemed like a Vince Vaughn glamor show. I like Vince in Swingers, but really, he's not high profile enough to attract the attention he thinks he deserves. Pass.

Vince Vaughn's Wild West Comedy Show: 30 Days & 30 Nights - Hollywood to the Heartland

Shoot 'Em Up

I wouldn't quite label this a parody, however it doesn't take itself seriously at all. Some very entertaining action sequences cannot save this movie. It's ridiculous. Pass.

Shoot 'Em Up

Dinner For Schmucks

A "buddy movie" akin to "Planes Trains and Automobiles" or "Tommy Boy" only with 1/10th the laughs. Pass.

Dinner for Schmucks

Thursday 2 April 2015

The Incredible Hulk

My least favorite of "The Avengers" prequels. It's not a horrible movie, but I didn't particularly care about Bruce Banner nor "The Hulk". Recommended if you plan on watching "The Avengers" but not on it's own merits.  (Ed Norton Version)

The Incredible Hulk

Iron Man

Tony Stark is just as entertainment as his alter ego Iron Man. Highly entertaining and 2 hours well spent!

Iron Man


I do not like Fantasy movies, however this one changed my perception. Thor is a wonderful film that exceeded all my expectations. It's a fun ride.


The Fatboy Chronicles

Absolute trash. Amazed I finished it. I swear with $10,000 I could do much much better.

The Fat Boy Chronicles

Midnight in Paris

I only give this movie 3 starts due to my ignorance of Paris culture and history. This movie was a total surprise to me and I only put it on because 1) It was new on Netflix and 2) It has a really great tomatometer rating. I usually don't care for Woody Allen movies (read HATE) however this one is different. It's got a certain whimsy I really wasn't expecting, and to avoid spoiling the "secret" I'm not going to delve much more into the plot. I'd recommend this movie to anyone post 30 years old.

Midnight in Paris

Cedar Rapids

The Hangover this is not, yet I didn't find it much of a departure from the charicature Ed Helms has become. Ultra nice home boy in a place he doesn't belong. Despite the typecast, I really liked the film. It goes to show that it doesn't matter what the story is about, as long as the characters are interesting and entertaining, yes, even a movie about an insurance convention can be good. I really felt like I was along for the ride on this trip to the big city and a left feeling a little left out at the end that I wouldn't see these people again. You won't be slapping your knee, but at the very minimum John C. Reilly will have you loling at least a few times. Recommended.

Cedar Rapids

Smokey and the Bandit

Just a little late to the party, but dang this move is fu-un! Yee haw!

Smokey and the Bandit

The Help

This is a chick flick. There's absolutely no denying that, of the 2.5 hours this runs, there's a dude on scene for probably 15 minutes (and I do believe that to be generous). Everything about this movie appeals to women, which is probably why every female I know has either seen it in the theatre, bought or rented it. That's not to say there's nothing here guys will appreciate, lots of pretty girls all dolled up for most of the film is something most males will take a liking to. Underneath all the "drama" there is a compelling story, although not nearly as horrifying as I'd expected. This is not "Mississippi Burning". A little long in duration (although I according to my wife, they like totally skipped some pretty big plot points found in the book ;) ) but not a bad way to spend a Sunday evening. Recommended.

The Help

The Town

A cool crime drama with a love story built in. I don't really "buy" The Town as a gritty crime stretches the imagination. That doesn't prevent this movie from being well worth my $4 rental though. Recommended.

The Town