Thursday 2 April 2015

POM Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold

*This review is brought to you by Bud Light* I must say I have a very deep interest in the subject matter here, I always notice product placement whether it be intentional or not. I remember watching "Rumble in the Bronx" many years ago and stating to a friend during one high octane action sequence "Hey, look, there'ss a can of PC Cola on the counter!" That's a generic store brand beverage, it was exclusive to Canada at the time), he shrugged me off and continued watching the flying kicks all he was supposed to. Does it bother anyone else when Shaq or *insert athlete here* does a commercial and is wearing some generic sports jersey? Things like this bother me. I'd dare say I like product/brand placement as long as it's natural and not forced. "The Greatest Movie Ever Sold" explores the topic briefly. You'd think the film would be rich with information on product placement, however half of the film Spurlock;s fundraising to make the documentary. You see the whole movie is funded by product placement. It's an interesting look into what the sponsors want from their product being placed, and the restrictions put on the film-maker to not taint their reputation. If you've seen "Supersize Me" or any other of Spurlock's work you'll know what to expect here, and while it may not dig very deep into the subject matter, it's entertaining and worth watching. Available on Netflix instant streaming and recommended.

POM Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold

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