Thursday 2 April 2015

Waiting for Superman

It seems like every generation has a reason or excuse for the youth of the day's inability to learn or progress. Whether it be "Them comic books", "That Rock and Roll Music" or "Those vidya games", there's always seems to be something that makes kids unable to learn, distracted, and out of touch. "Waiting for Superman" takes an eye off the distractions and instead focuses on the (American) education system and the problems which lie therein. It was an eye opening documentary with some fresh ideas on what it takes to fix the problem. As a Canadian, it didn't have the same impact on me as it might some of my American friends, however that doesn't mean there's no validity for us Canucks. My wife is a school teacher and seemingly agreed with many of the points displayed in the movie, even while being the teacher of private Christian school. Available on Netflix Canada. Recommended

Waiting for Superman

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