Thursday 2 April 2015


I don't like bottled water, yes it has its place when you're out camping or for your WWIII bunker, but if you have a tap, heck, even a hose nearby, there's no need. That's what drew me to this doc, something to back me up on my dislike for the overpriced H20. The film satisfied my thirst for justification of my dislike for bottled water, and gave me some ammunition should the topic ever come up in conversation. "Did you know your municipal water from a tap is tested 40x more often than that bottle of Nestle water you're holding?" "Did you know that bottle of Dasani (Coke) or Aquafina (Pepsi) is just tap water? I'm not lying, read the label of Aquafina, it says it right there in bloated English on the label!" "Did you know the markup on bottled water is in the are of 10 000%, you're pissing your money away!" See what I mean? The doc goes on further about polution, BPA contamination yadda yadda yadda. I can tell you it's not only WATER bottles that are being discarded into the ocean. I liked half of this quite a bit, the other half, well it was tolerable to bring this up to 3 stars. Available on Netflix streaming and recommended.

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